Category: Websites

Strange Things Happen When Blogs are Hacked

My ThinkICT blog about all things ICT got hacked a few weeks ago. Because of that and the fact that I didn’t have an ideal backup copy (yeah, we all know we are supposed to backup regularly) it took me…

Learning to Use Sakai

A few years ago, ConVal joined a consortium of K-12 school districts in New Hampshire that were starting to use the Sakai content management system, a full featured system used by many universities and a limited number of K-12 schools. Initially,…

We Are Visible Dot Com

I learned about an inspiring site today. It helps people who are homeless to use social media. Thus the site name: We Are Visible A post on the site from someone with the Twitter name of @project5050 really speaks volumes.…

Learning Drupal

I have been experimenting with Drupal, which is a web content management system. Another system commonly used is Joomla. Many of our school districts have converted their websites to a Joomla site. I am not aware of any districts using…

Examples of CommentPress

There is a very useful WordPress theme called CommentPress. It was created by the folks at the Institute for the Future of the Book. I came across it about a month ago and made a mental note to go back…

Wish List for Schools

Today I’m reading discussion posts in one of the courses I co-developed. I was reminded of some of my pet peeves — things that I really wish schools had the time, talent, resources, and determination to change. Perhaps some schools…