Category: ICT

More Great Projects

I ran into several more projects / organizations promoting women in IT. Great stuff! Girl Develop It is a nonprofit organization that exists to provide affordable and accessible programs to women who want to learn web and software development through…

Cool Company Called littleBits

I’m so excited to share this story from the BBC about a company called littleBits. It was created by a woman named Ayah Bdeir. What do they make? littleBits (spelled lower case L, upper case B, all one word) consists of tiny…

Teaching Coding to Girls

When do we start forming ideas about what’s cool? The NY Times just did a short piece about coding for girls and when those gaps between girls and boys in computer classes really show up in full force. The piece is written…

CEO Woman

Marissa Meyer is the CEO of Yahoo. When she was hired, she was pregnant with her first child. This lengthy article gives quite a bit of background about how she is viewed as the CEO and what expectations there are…

Happy 2014!

I’m thinking of revitalizing this blog. It’s a new year and fresh starts are always a good thing, right? I could say it all started with the “Zero to Hero” series by the folks at WordPress. But truthfully, they are…

Girls in Children’s Literature

There was a study conducted by Janice McCabe at Florida State University in 2011. She looked at over 6,000 children’s books from the past century and found that central characters in the books were female in less than one third.…