Category: Mind-Matter


This morning we got a call at 7:30 from our local USPS office that the baby chicks had arrived. Funny thing is that they were “at the secure facility nearby” and would be transferred to the main post office by…

Everything is Growing

I meant to improve my routine of posting at least once a week to this blog, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve been busy though. After getting updated, I turned to ICT Literacy because it was badly in need…

Garden Greens

A few weeks ago, we started a container garden on our back deck. We got several long planter boxes and a few large round pots, bought some organic compost, added a bunch of small plants, and voila! Rick has done…

He Ordered Some Chickens

Yes, it’s true. Rick ordered 6 baby chickens which will ship in a few weeks via the postal service (yup, they do this). He also ordered a fine chicken coop for them. Admittedly, it will take them awhile to get…

Why the title “Mind and Matter”?

Although I use various Web 2.0 tools, maintain a blog at work, and follow several blogs, I’ve just never found the time to set up WordPress on my own site… until today. Although I didn’t have a really catchy phrase…